Diversity and Inclusion
What we are doing
Promote an inclusive definition of forcible displacement that enables Conversation Partners to define this term in accordance with their own lived experiences.
Ensure the Conversation Partner Team is representative of our values of gender equity by empowering women and non-binary voices.
Brig on Conversation Partners from a range of geographies to break down the assumption that language learners should learn a language from a specific part of the world or dialect.
Work with Conversation Partners and language learners who have various computer literacy gaps so that Conversations Unbound is an accessible opportunity.
Adapt our payment systems so that they work for all Conversation Partners in each of their unique contexts.
Design and maintain an online platform that is easily accessible to Conversation Partners from a forcibly displaced backgrounds.
Hold cultural sensitivity training for all language learners and Conversation Partners that participate in our programming.
Require all administrative team members to have the same basic understanding of many complex issues related to our work (race, gender, borders, humanitarian aid, etc.) through completing required readings and holding periodic discussions on key topics.
Implement an inclusive volunteer hiring process to ensure anyone interested and qualified can join the team.
Implement a rigorous on-boarding process to ensure administrative team members have the proper awareness and cultural sensitivity required to work with forcibly displaced communities.
Ongoing and iterative
Fostering diversity and inclusion is an ongoing process. We are continuing to diversify our team by encouraging volunteer applicants from all backgrounds and promoting those who reflect our mission and values to leadership positions. We welcome and encourage new perspectives and identities to our team, but do not expect anyone person to speak on behalf of a group. We are also striving to improve accessibility of our programs through regular improvements to our custom-built platform.